Sunday, March 29, 2020

Busicom keyboard interface

Now that I know the replacement board's keypad works, I started thinking about how to interface this to the emulated Busicom 141-PF calculator's "circuitry".

The Busicom scanned its keyboard using two MCS-4 family chips: a i4001 ROM and a i4003 shift register. A ROM may seem to be an odd device to use in this situation, but the i4001 also provided a 4-bit I/O port. The shift register provided 10 output pins and a simple way to walk a "0" bit down the outputs in sequence. Thus the keyboard was arranged electrically as 8 x 4 matrix. The shift register selects which of the eight columns is being read, and the I/O port reads which of the four rows contains a pressed key, if any. The last two "columns" selected by the shift register return 4-bit coded values from two slide switches.

This dictates the interface my emulation must present.

Keypad and Switch tests

For some reason I've been hesitant to test my keypad design. Maybe because it's something that is either going to work right or I'm going to have to scrap the board and have another one fabricated. But I figured it was time to find out.

High on my eventual success with the keyclick sounder, I decided to test the keypad and associated slide switches. My original plan was to do a simple "walking ones" test to make sure each keypad column could be driven high or low. However, because I decided to put Schmitt trigger inverters between the keypad row tracks and the FPGA pins, I couldn't do the same for the rows. To see what the row inputs were getting I decided to drive the 32-bit debug connector with both the column outputs and the row inputs. Having gone that far I added the inputs from the slide switches to the debug connector too.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Keyclick sounder tests

Today dawned dreary and rainy, so I decided I needed to spend some time working on the Canon P170-DH calculator rebuild. I pulled out my checklist of things that needed testing and decided to start with the audible keyclick sounder.

Before I decided I could make the fluorescent display of the P170-DH work, I decided that it would be advantageous to provide an audible feedback to indicate that a key had been pressed and recognized. I described my search for the "right" sound in my posting Tick... tick... tick... a couple of years ago, and I did a proof of concept using a 556 dual timer and a piezoelectric sounder. But I'd never actually tried driving the final circuit from an FPGA, figuring there really wasn't much to test with such a simple circuit.